Tuesday 1 May 2012

Carpe Diem

Today something really sad happened: Alexander Dale Oen, a Norwegian swimmer, died a sudden death. First I got shocked. How can this happen? How can a healthy, young and fit man just die? Then I got sad. Why? Why is life so unfair?!? Dale Oen was working towards the Olympics in London, and he was one of the most promising athletes from Norway. And not only was he a great athlete, he had with several occasions shown what a great person he was too. He was of great inspiration to other athletes and truly gave of himself=) Then all of a sudden, he is gone. My thoughts go to his family and loved ones.

But this also got me thinking (it is hard to concentrate about a master thesis once you let this under your skin). Life is extremely fragile and can be taken away in seconds, no matter what you do to take care of yourself. I, myself, must admit that I could make more of every day. What about you? Could you have made more out of this day then you did? Do you grab the opportunities life gives you? Do you dare to take chances? It is so easy to just go along instead of making life extraordinary. You get where I am going with this so:  Seize the day!=) And do make the best out of whatever happens:)

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