Tuesday 8 May 2012


Some time ago I was lucky to be invited to a meeting with my new job at Hurtigruta. I could not say no to this opportunity to both get a better insight in what my job will be like and to travel with Hurtigruta and see the beautiful nature of northern Norway from the sea. We traveled from Trondheim at noon and arrived Bodø the following day at around the same time.

The meeting was really interesting and I learned a lot=) But it also confirmed what I already knew, I am starting working in a really man dominated business. 3 women out of 50 participant! Well, I should be glad I wasn't the only one=) That's not really a problem either, but being on a ship on the ocean, that can be a problem! Some dizziness has to be expected.

Hurtigruta lived up to my expectations. The cabin was nice and I had plenty of space and the service was splendid. Silly me had totally forgot to inform about my allergies beforehand, but that was no problem. Instead of getting the usual, you can eat bread and salad they made a dish in a few minutes. The view was also amazing. Unfortunately we passed most of Helgelandskysten during the night, but I got up insanely early to see the point where we passed the polar circle.

All in all a wonderful trip where I got to know new people, learn a lot and got to see beautiful nature. One of the highlights was of course when we passed a wind farm.

Not for eating, so it must be to show the tourists how it's done. follow the smell...

couldn't wait to leave the view in Trondheim behind...

Much better=)

Beautiful light, it lasted the whole night. Almost sun the whole day now:)
Houses showing up in the middle of nowhere, Norway in a nutshell.

Good morning and welcome to the mountains:)

The polar circle:)

Still winter in the north of Norway late in April

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