Sunday 13 November 2011

Courseday and Lohn

In order for us to get money from the faculty when we're traveling to Argentina on our class excursion, we have to arrange 4 days with academic contents. Since it has been difficult to arrange for us to visit companies in Argentina we had to have one of the days in Norway before we leave. I helped planing and arranging it. The first part of the day the class split in 3 and visited a company each. I went to Siemens and learned about what they do. It was really interesting and all of them were really committed to their work.But once again I was made aware of that I am going to work in a male dominated business. Out of the 9 speakers one were a woman and she worked in the HR department:p

The second part of the day we met back at uni where Statnett gave us a presentation. This presentation was really good and motivating. Since I am in my year, many of the people i knew at uni before I left for Australia has started working, but they all seem to come back when their company comes to Trondheim to recruit students. This time it was Pål I got to see again. It is always interesting to hear how it is like to start working, especially from someone you know:)

Statnett was also so kind that they hired some Spanish speaking to teach us something about both Argentina and the language. It was really helpful, but I've also realized I might have to spend the Christmas holiday studying Spanish.

After the academic part of the day was finished some of us went to Samfundet to listen to Lohn's concert. For every time I listen to their music I like it more=) The lyrics are in Norwegian and they have actual meaning and I think that is part of why I like it so much. Here's a link to some of their songs if you want to listen to it:

We have all got our sponsor t-shirt on:)


Spanish, Argentinian, Argentinian=)


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