Sunday 30 October 2011

Last of Uka

Yesterday I went with some of my friends to a stand up show. We were pretty lucky, cause we had got tickets for the rows in front. The three guys performing are very famous in Norway and they've made several shows for television. I like some of it, but not all. And yesterday was the same, some of it was fun but not all of it. The best scene might actually have been of a guest performer which I usually can't stand. But this time he had done really good research and made "local" jokes that were hilarious. Here are some photos=)

Wine in beer glasses, very classy:p

The four of us waiting impatiently..

DJ Dan, guest performer

Friday 28 October 2011

Uka uka uka uka

During Uka life is hard. There is no time to relax, either you're studying or you're attending an event on Uka. But on wednesday I thought I would get a whole evening to relax and go to sleep early, but no:p A friend of mine had an extra ticket to a concert so of course I joined him!
As we came a bit early to samfundet we went to check out an other concert, the "folk song band" was playing. We were so surprised the place was packed; who knew folk songs were so popular among students?! All the songs are very happy, sort of naive and lacks concerns totally. Of course everyone was cheerful when after the concert, I felt super light and jumped on to the next concert.

To the Norwegian followers I just have to say: voi voi, sommer, sol og søndag og lykkens portal=) I should also mention that to no surprise a certain programming guru was at the concert and that he started dancing swing at the end.

I hadn't heard of any of the two bands, so I had no expectations. The first band was Team Me. The music was cool and they were full of energy! The girl had a very special dancing style, if it hadn't been for the music I would have guessed that she had a mental disease. But with the music it was cool! The lead singer also had amazing carisma and a smile that made you happy.

Team Me

Sign on mirror at the toilet: Okay with clean hands when you're going out grabbing:p

The other band Pelbo, was also pretty cool. The only instruments they had was a tuba and drums and they managed to make a lot of noise=) It is the first time I've seen a man playing tuba while dancing, pretty crazy!

Before we left we went to an other stage to check out a punk band that was playing for free, Fucked Up. I'm no punk fan so we didn't stay for long even though it wasn't too bad:p The guy was scary, he had hair all over and did not have a friendly appearance. Not exactly skinny either.

Yesterday was the 1969 party so we all dressed up. Before the party I went to a dinner in one of the committees I'm in. FestCom(Partycom) is the committee in my student club which arranges parties, so yesterday we practiced=) Three course meal, student songs, lots of wine and even rap battle at the end! The dinner was a success.


Main course

It's not goon, wine comes in boxes in Norway. It's cheaper=)

Marie is waiting for an other glass of wine:)

Rap battle number 1

Preparing for battle number 2

Everyone is happy and looking at the table it's no wonder:)

Battle number 2=)

Wine<3 I want a such a big wine glass:)

Lucy posing with the hippie car

Marie posing with the hippie car...=)

All sorts of outfits
I almost made it home, but then all of a sudden some people came walking by, speaking English and I started chatting with them. Before I realized what had happened I was at an after-party drinking whiskey. (today was a tough day, Norwegian saying: hero at night, hero at day). The cool part was that one of the guys, all of which were PhD students, was from NZ. So awesome to listen to the funny dialect again. It makes me think about tint end bid and so on;)
Salmon(laks) colored dress:)
I was wearing a shiny dress and they told me I looked like a laks, that's Norwegian for salmon, so the rest of the evening I was lakswoman. After noticing the color on her dress we both were:p
This is pretty much how the after party was like..=)
I'm off to bed preparing for the last Uka event, a stand up show with three of the most famous Norwegian comedians. It's gonna be sweet=)

Monday 24 October 2011

Sunday: a boring day when everything is closed, or..?

For those of you who didn't know, the rugby finale was this Sunday. Due to the time difference the kick off was at 10 am in Norway! But after an extremely peaceful Saturday evening it was no problem being at the pub in time for it. In fact I even managed to go for my usual Sunday run (a very common Sunday activity in Norway) before going there. I didn't expect a lot of people at the pub since rugby is not a big sport in Norway, but the place was packed!=) Mostly of French, but also some kiwis. Therefore it was even better when the All Blacks won. They did not have to make it so exciting though. I really enjoyed watching real men in action again:p

Some had even brought flags=)
Later in the evening UKA again caught my attention. This time it was two free concerts at Samfundet, and since I had nothing better to do, I went. I didn't regret event though I was a bit tired at the end. The first band was especially cool to see since one of my classmates plays in it. The other one put up a great show and played a lot of feel good music. I like it!


leisure suit lovers

All in all, Sunday can be a very good day even though everything is closed:)

Saturday 22 October 2011


UKA is a student festival that lasts for approximately 3 weeks. Every day is filled with stuff to do, some of it is even free. One of the main attractions is the revue at Samfundet ( a big, round, red house that students own and run). But this year it was a huge disappointment, and I took myself in thinking about whether I should go running afterwards and where it would be nice to run instead of watching the performance. The performance was good though, it was the material that was sort of flat. After the revue I went to a concert with on of the choirs at Samfundet: Knaus. And what a concert! The singing was amazing and in between they had some skits that made my laugh more than I did during the revue.

Yesterday was a theme party in a huge tent put up for the festival. The theme was to dress as a trønder, that is a person who comes from the middle of Norway. It is a lot of prejudices associated with them! I choose to dress as a farmers wife=) The bands playing were also from the area. I had been looking forward to the party, but it ended up being a huge disappointment:(  No place to sit  and way to dark. I ended up loosing my friends, but after the party ended, I found one of them and we hit the city!=) Much more fun! We did not think we would get any attention at all, but we were all wrong. The guys seemed to like us even more than usual. I don't know if I should take it as a positive or negative thing.
Here's some photos from the evening=)
Predrinking and eating sodd, a dish from the middle of Norway.

Vilde was not too happy with the sodd...

Cecile(to the left) had made a collection of typical songs for the occasion.


Most girls dress up as boys 

Inger Kamilla gave in and dressed up:p

Gunnhild in her home made dress!

Having a mustache is obligatory!

Photo shoot on our way to the city! 

Vilde posing:p

We were quit a couple!

Time flies...

 This week has been very hectic and very entertaining. Monday has so far been the only "normal" day and it looks like it is going to be the only one too.
On Tuesday I went with one of my classes on an excursion to see dams and power systems near by. It was very educational to see what I normally just do calculations on! The coolest part of the trip was when we walked inside a dam; for me, being claustrophobic, it gave me a kick. Standing inside the dam and noticing that it is dripping water, I can't help but think that the dam is going to collapse:p A part from the educational part the trip also showed me new places to go hiking. The nature in the area we visited made me want to jump of the bus and just start walking and enjoy. I guess I also should mention that we were pretty lucky with the weather, sunny and clear air=)

SigridThe course is for students studying civil engineering, but we're several from my class too. 

We have a very motivating lecturer and therefore everyone is very eager to hear what he has to say!

Lunch outside, kind of like flying kiwi=)

A pretty dam

This is the dam I went inside...

This is from the dam I want inside, I didn't see it until after.

Sunday 16 October 2011

hi everbody

Since I don't have time to keep in touch with all of you, although I want to, I decided to start a new blog. This time I will write in English so that you can understand it and not just look at the pictures. I hope that through this blog you will see how much fun Norway is and come visit Norway and me=)

I start with adding some pictures from this weekend. A friend from primary and secondary school visited me and I of course took her hiking. Although the weather is starting to be a bit cold, the colors are still nice and they look even better in the clear air! We went to a place called Våttakammen, it is only 286 meters high but you get a great view of the city.

Warm coffee<3 

All tourists take photos here so we did as well.