Thursday 20 September 2012

Jokran: A hike for the (many) days with poor weather

The marked tourist path from Grøa to Vangshaugen is an excellent place for a run. Compared with other paths in the area it's not slippery in wet weather. The hike/run is a bit steep in the beginning but after a while it gets flat and then it's just to follow the path along the valley. Along the path there are several signs telling the name of the places you pass, some of them are really funny! So you're actually entertained=) At Jokran there is of course the obligatory book to sign ones name in. This is where many people stop and head back home, but I would recommend to follow the path a bit further until you get to Dalavatnet. Both the path and the nature is lovely from Jokran to Dalavatnet. The path also passes a dam for those of you who are nerds like me and like to check out how it's built :p

I think it's been a while since the last bus arrived

The path is marked all the way so it's easy to follow:)


A dam=)

The winter is not far away=)

Excellent for running!

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