Friday 10 February 2012

The lack of engineers in Norway

As a part of the lack of engineers in Norway I was contacted by the newspaper Adressa. They wanted to do an article about the high demand for newly educated engineers and how most of the students have a job long before they finish their master. Of course I said yes:p

Here's how I looked in the paper:

There are many suggestions about what should be done with this problem. Some have suggested to erase our student loans after we've finished. Some years back this was actually the case, where half of our student loan  got erased if the student graduated when he or she was supposed to. This is a solution I think we could go back to as more and more students spends longer time on their master.
Others are looking at how to recruit more students. I have no idea why they look at it that way. To day the capacity at my uni has already reached its limit: Students do not even have a place to sit and study. There is a need for more university buildings if more students are to be educated to become engineers before they start recruiting more students. Maybe the politicians should have a look at how many they educate within the different work groups too. For me, I can not imagine where all the jobs for the many social anthropologists and masters in history are. If anyone do, please fill me in=)

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