Monday 19 December 2011

Preparing for Christmas

To get in to the right mood before Christmas some of my friends from home got together for a pre-Christmas weekend. We started the weekend with a relaxing evening eating Christmas cookies and a lot of other sweets typical for Christmas and other candy. Yes, we got a sugar high. Except from eating way too much we watched the best feel-good-film ever: Love Actually=) The film makes me feel good and puts me in a Christmas mood. By the end of the evening we were all merry:p

The next day we got together for a pre-Christmas party, one got get enough of them. The night was a huge success. Except from that I tend to get bored whenever I go out in Norway. This time we tried a place called Barmuda. The place is okay, but there is no place to dance or put your clothes. When I got bored and tired of people being rude, I decided to be Australian for the rest of the night. I started saying excuse me and I'm sorry and people became less rude and more polite. I liked it! I especially liked that I managed to fool people even though I know they were drunk.
As a nice ending to the evening we ran in to one of the ministers in the Norwegian Government: Trond Giske. And he invited us along to an afterparty. It was fun seeing him in a different context than what one usually see politicians. Here are some photos from the night. Oh, and I almost forgot. In Norway we make a circle and walk around the Christmas tree and sing carols. Before Christmas there are lots of decorated trees around in the city so of course we had to sing a song, thanks to the people who joined. It was great fun!
Prepartying with only girls means you get help to look the best you can=)

All of us=)

The minister as a DJ=)

To the right is the Norwegian Christmas spirit: Aquavit. Strong, but nice:)

The main building at uni was easy to spot walking home, making me feel bad for taking the day off:/

Sunday 11 December 2011

Having fun in the capital

This week I visited one of my friends in Oslo. Oslo is the closest you get to a city in Norway. It was nice to be back in a city but the atmosphere in Oslo isn't one I like. Although it is not my favorite place it has a lot of the facilities you do not find in a smaller place and I intended to take advantage of it when I was there=) The first evening we went to a show: Ylvis 4. It is two comedian brothers who are very popular in Norway. As I have seen there previous shows I was a bit disappointed. It was not as funny as I hoped although it was good entertainment; more show, less comedy.
I have really missed going out eating food from all over the world and I was superhappy when we went to an Indian restaurant for dinner. Very spicy and very good:)

The castle in Oslo

Indian dinner with Tanya and Kristin=)

A nice Christmas decorated street, can't wait for the celebration!

"Huking" instead of planking in front of the Christmas tree at the central station:p

Friday 9 December 2011

Christmas workshop

After finishing my last exam ever at NTNU I was extremely exhausted. After two weeks of intense studying all I managed to do was to sit in front of the tv and watch it, but not what was happening on the screen. After a couple of hours I figured I had to try to at least do something else. So since a committee at uni was arranging a Christmas work shop I went there to see if I could get some more energy. They were of course serving rice porridge with cinnamon and gløgg( a traditional Norwegian Christmas drink, Sort of like hot cordial but more spicy. Some of the same spices that are used in chai are also used in this drink.) I got my self a cup and started chatting with all the nice people that were taking a break from studying. Since I am old and it is mostly younger students who attend these events I was glad to see some familiar faces.
The energy started to come back and I started knitting. The idea about the workshop is to make presents, cards or decorations for Christmas. And to make a model of the main building in ginger bread.
This was a very cosy event and I am sad I have never made it to the event before.

Henrikke is very satisfied with her decorations=)

The building has started

It is cheating to use glue. At home we eat the house after a while and therefore the "glue" has to be eatable.
