Tuesday 3 September 2013

Hiking in Drevja: Tovenfjellet

All along Drevja the mountain Tovenfjellet lies. It is a very long mountain with several summits. The summits are not as high as the ones in Sunndalsøra but they are more than high enough to give an incredible view. As in Sunndalsøra you do not get anything for free and have to start at just above sea level. On the other side of the mountain you have Leirfjorden, Sandnessjøen, Dønna, De Syv Søstre and of course the sea which together makes a beautiful sight. It is also possible to hike from one side of Toven and down on the other one, a hike I want to do is Leirfjorden to Toven. Apart from being a nice mountain for hiking and its incredible view, Tovenfjellet also has great fishing. Its many lakes are popular fishing spots for the locals who almost guaranteed I would get fish. But of course I did not.
This years hike at Tovenfjellet went from Toven and up to Brattlivatnet and was especially beautifull because of the clear weather and the colours of early fall. There is no path on this route, but a look at the map makes it clear where one should go and once you are on the right track the rest of the hike one just go where it seems natural. Sadly it is a bit overgrown at the beginning of the hike, but after one have crossed the first river the landscape is more open. I had good company in my cousin Knut Erik and ironicly the only people we met that day were on our age. And people say the youths are lazy and do not care about being outdoors...

Almost at the top Brattlivatnet suddensly shows up:)

A nice place to have lunch

An amazing view towards the other side of the mountain!=)

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