Sunday 26 August 2012

Litj-kalkjin 1389 masl

Looming almost straight above Sunndalsøra and our house, Litj-Kalkjin is an excellent hike for those who want to get e great view of Sunndalsøra. The hike is not very steep compared to other hikes in the area and it does not take too long either. Of course the time spent on the hike depends on how fast one wants to walk and the conditions in the mountain. When I did this hike this summer it was still some snow on the way to the summit that we could not cross and therefore the trip got a bit longer. If you do not follow the marked path, as we could not do, you have to go through an area with rather large rocks. It wasn't dangerous or anything, but it takes longer and is more demanding.

The hike starts at the bottom of Haremdalen, a valley that one follows for the first hour or so. Walking up this valley is quit special because after a while you have to cross a river and then you have a river on both sides for the rest of the hike up the valley. As the valley is steep the rivers make a lot of noise and they are amazing and terrifying to watch. The water is so powerful!

Haremdalen, starting point
Before you leave Haremdalen, you get to a postbox where you can sign your name. At this place you leave the path to cross a rockslide before you get back on the path. Then you come to the most airy part of the trip. After that it is just up, up and up. You only have to be careful not to send a rock in your friends direction as there are some loose rocks on the path.

This year it was a bit foggy at the top, so we did not get the good view we usually do. But the hike is nice either way. You start almost at sea level and incline very quickly ending up at almost 1400 meters.
A narrow path through the most airy part of the hike

Finding a good way through the rocks

A lot of snow and low visibility

Due to the fog we only got a view up the valley

My dad and I at the summit. Usually Sunndalsøra is in the background
How the view how it is supposed to be. The photo is taken at an other occasion.
It was a good thing we had done the hike before.
The usual view from the summit. This year all we could see was white fog:/

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