Tuesday 12 June 2012

Do I really have to grow up already?

After five years at the university it is time for me to leave life as a student behind and start living like an adult. Whatever that means. For some reason I'm not longing for the life I have in front of me. I know there will be more routine, more money and less long nights studying, but all I can think of is that I am about to loose my freedom, my possibility of just picking up a bag and head for the unknown and that life will be totally predictable with little room for being impulsive. Of course I can not wait to get out of my little shelter and into a bigger apartment, but for that to happen I have to get a loan. Loans are something grown ups have. Grown ups with responsibilities and and a boring life. Is that what I want? Is all this unwillingness to become an adult based on the fear of the unknown. Sure, I have an idea of what is waiting for me: job, car, apartment and a lot of exercising, but apart from the obvious I have no idea. I hope that life as an adult will be good and not boring as I am afraid of. Cause I refuse to being boring and predictable and start going on charter tours instead of exploring the world on my own. And until life has proven to be exiting also after I'm finished studying I will be dreaming of a Don Juan coming to rescue me and take me far, far away to the land of dreams=)

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