Tuesday 24 January 2012

Finally skiing again, my favourite activity!

Before Christmas there were little or no snow and therefore I did not get to ski much. Luckily I went to visit my brother who lives a place with a lot of snow, and there I got my first skiing experience in almost two years. It was amazing! AND hard. It took a while to get in contact with the muscles that had not been used for ages.
The nature was amazing, the stillness and the feeling of being all alone; just me and my skies - I loved it=)

After being in Argentina for 3 weeks I couldn't wait to go skiing again and just a day after returning to Norway I have been skiing. Although I enjoyed it, it wasn't all a pleasure. After only a couple of kilometeres my body started acting weired and soon I realized I had to go to the car to lie down. When I finally made it there I was pretty scared, but after I while I got better and realized it had to have been the temperature difference between Norway and Argentina that was giving my body a hard time. I think there must be approximately 45 degrees Celsius in difference. I managed to do some more skiing before we went home though very slow and carefully.

Here are some photoes from when I was in Meråker and from a race my brother participated in. It felt good to go to a race again. They are arranged early in the day during weekends and it takes a lot of time and effort, but the atmosphere and the competition is so worth it=)

Could this be a dam? Yes, I am a nerd...

A lot of exercise requires a lot of rest...=)

Morning exercise; real early or just winter?

The biathlon athletes had already had shooting traingin, one could smell it:)


My brother is so kind that he prepares my skies, I am too cold to do so

My dad prepares many pair of skies before the race. I think he is glad only one of us continued..:p

Warming up

Tarjei in action!

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