Thursday 10 October 2013

Hiking in Sunndal: Flånebba, my favourite hike!!

Flånebba in Ålvundeie is definitely my favourite hike in Sunndal so far! The reasons are many. First of all it is not a very steep hike compared with many of the hikes in the area, both if you go straight to the summit from Rødset farm(where you normally park and signs point you in the right direction) or via Rødsetsætra( the Rødset pasture) the steep part is done in the beginning. And the last meters to the top is also a bit steep. 
Secondly the trip goes through a lovely landscape all the way, there are no parts through boring terrain=)
Thirdly there are many options on this hike, there are several paths to follow to the summit so that you can easily make it a round trip instead of walking the same way both up and down. If you are more people hiking together and have more than one car, the options increase. The most common hike though is from Rødset farm and straight to the summit and down the same path. This is an easy path to follow all the way. It is a bit steep in the beginning but when you are done with the first meters and turn around and look towards Ålvundeie you already have a beautiful view of the valley and you are done with the toughest part. Many stop at this point and hike down again after having lunch or coffee while enjoying the nature and the view. Then you just have to keep following the path and soon you will see the summit. The hike to the summit takes approximately 2-3 hours.

You soon get rewarded of the meters climbed, Ålvundeie

The view from the summit towards Sunndalen to the left and Øksendalen to the right
You can also choose to go via the Rødsetsætra. This is a beautiful pasture worth a visit in itself and of course there is a book there for you to sign your name in(although the writing instruments were in poor conditions last time I visited). From the pasture to the summit the path is sadly and surprisingly not much travelled so a map can come in handy if you're not familiar in the area.

Marte enjoying the beautiful landscape in the lovely colours of autumn
Silje on her way to the summit

A bit windy at the summit
If you're not tired after hiking the summit of Flånebba the trip can easily be extended to an other summit near by: Smisetnebba. From Flånebba you can see the mountain ridge leading to the summit. There is a path that is mostly easy to follow, but you can never really loose your direction. From Smisetnebba you can walk the same way down or you can take the path that goes from the the summit down to Smiset farm. An other option is hiking down in to Sæssbøen, a hike that I have heard is nice, but have never had the chance to do myself. There are also other paths you can hike to get to Flånebba, but I haven't hiked them either.

Ingeborg infront of Smisetnebba

On top of Smisetnebba, food and mobile phones are obligatory:p

The path from Smisetnebba down to Smiset

The view towards Ålvundfjorden from Smisetnebba

Neslandet from Smisetnebba

A beautiful scenery the whole hike way:) 
A lovely hike I would recommend at the strongest for everyone who enjoys hiking in the mountain.

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