Monday 29 July 2013

Hiking in Sunndal: Vollasætra

Driving towards Oppdal from Sunndalsøra and just before you start the ascent to get to Oppdal(Gråura) there are several nice pastures up in the mountains. One of them is Vollasætra which you can hike to from Vollan farm. There is a small spot to park your car, just remember cash to pay for it. Then you head up the tractor road and follow the signs leading to Vollasætra. It goes upwards all the way so there is no place to relax unless you stop for a break. Some parts of the path vegetation is taking over, but look for the signs and there will be no problem finding the right way. The pasture in itself is beautiful, but the view could be better. Therefore I decided to follow the path and head for the nearest top to get a better view. All in all a nice and easy hike without any difficulties, but remember to check for ixodidaes!

Notice the sign to get to the path from the tractor road

Not much of a view from Vollasætra


The pasture a bit further up

At the top I just wanted to head further and go for long hike in Trollheimen

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