Tuesday 30 October 2012

And all of a sudden it's winter=)

Normally November is a dark and grey month filled with rain and bad weather. It is too early to be looking forward to Christmas and the days are still getting shorter. So when the snow came as early as in October, it looks like it will not be that bad this year. Once it is snow on the ground the days seem brighter and that is something to appreciate up here! It also means that it is possible to start skiing instead of having to indoor activities=)

In the last weekend in October I had this seasons first skiing trip. It went to Trolltind, a nice and not too steep trip that starts in Jordalsgrenda, a short drive from home. The summit is at 1347 meters. The day before it had come plenty of snow, but luckily someone had started before us and so we did not have to make our own tracks.
The trip to the summit was amazing and did not feel like October at all. The coldness and the glittering in the snow made it seem more like January than October, and with the sun shining it also felt like Easter=) The trip took approximately 3 hours to the top. I had hoped to take some pictures at the summit, but it was too cold for me to hold the camera..:/
The trip down the mountain was of course fun, and without being very demanding. This was my first trip using randonee skies and I had no problems on the way up nor down. So I think anyone can manage this trip -a great place for beginners.

It seems it's going to be a great winter!=)
At the summit

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