Tuesday 30 October 2012

And all of a sudden it's winter=)

Normally November is a dark and grey month filled with rain and bad weather. It is too early to be looking forward to Christmas and the days are still getting shorter. So when the snow came as early as in October, it looks like it will not be that bad this year. Once it is snow on the ground the days seem brighter and that is something to appreciate up here! It also means that it is possible to start skiing instead of having to indoor activities=)

In the last weekend in October I had this seasons first skiing trip. It went to Trolltind, a nice and not too steep trip that starts in Jordalsgrenda, a short drive from home. The summit is at 1347 meters. The day before it had come plenty of snow, but luckily someone had started before us and so we did not have to make our own tracks.
The trip to the summit was amazing and did not feel like October at all. The coldness and the glittering in the snow made it seem more like January than October, and with the sun shining it also felt like Easter=) The trip took approximately 3 hours to the top. I had hoped to take some pictures at the summit, but it was too cold for me to hold the camera..:/
The trip down the mountain was of course fun, and without being very demanding. This was my first trip using randonee skies and I had no problems on the way up nor down. So I think anyone can manage this trip -a great place for beginners.

It seems it's going to be a great winter!=)
At the summit

Sunday 14 October 2012

A weekend with Utlevelser = thrilling activities

Just outside Oslo, in Østmarka, I went to a trip arranged by a company called Utlevelser. I was positively surprised that there was such a place close to Oslo: Small paths and not overcrowded with people. We started the tour by paddling canoes to the camp that had been put up for us beforehand. Luxury! We then continued a bit further to the first challenge: abseiling. I'm scared of heights and was not sure I would dare to do it, but after everyone else had done it I had gathered enough courage to try. It went okay in the beginning, but after a while I went outside a cliff and I had nothing to put my legs against. I was just hanging there! As if that was not bad enough, the rope turned and instead of facing the mountain there was nothing right in front of me. I got a real kick that is for sure=) And I was pretty proud I dared to try it since I did not dare it the last time I had the chance.
The evening was very cosy, after we had been served a proper meal everyone gathered around the bonfire. What made the evening even more awesome was that one of the guys had actually brought his guitar and songs had been printed for the occasion: singalong=)
The following day the challenge was a zip line. I was terrified. But since I want to challenge my fear all I could do was to get into harness and run for it. I thought I was careful when I ran for the cliff, but the instructor told me I was not, so I had obviously decided to do it properly the first time around. A crazy fun activity that everyone found thrilling=)

A great weekend! The instructors and organizers did a very good job. A trip with Utlevelser is absolutely recommendable=)

Ready for a weekend in the woods

My paddling mate

Ready for the challenge?

No turning back!

Safety first=)

A man's world:p

It was experimented with several ways to jump of the cliff

Sunday 7 October 2012

The beauty of living between mountains

Many thought I was crazy moving to a small place like Sunndalsøra: What was I going to do there and why would I want to live so far away from everything?
One of the privileges of living in a rural area is the short amount of time spent between work and home and the short amount of time needed to get to any outdoors activity. For me it takes more or less 10 minutes of cycling to get to work, depending on the direction and strength of the wind. Some hikes starts within walking distance from home, and within a 20 minutes drive I can just pick and choose hiking options. This makes it possible and easy to go hiking after work, even when the days get shorter. An other great thing about this place is that many other people like to do outdoors activities. So of course we have a facebook group for those of us who like getting on top of summits both winter and summer=) It is very easy to find someone who wants to join a trip! And hiking with others is the best way to learn shortcuts and to learn more about the mountains:)
One of the hikes I've done after work was to Salsnebba. This was a nice hike that started in a neighbouring valley, Øksendalen. On the way to the top you pass a mailbox at Prestgaardssætra, where many people choose to turn and head back down. The rest of the hike is without any path, but is in a lovely terrain and without difficulties. From the summit at 1020 masl there is a nice view in all directions. Unfortunately there was a change in weather while we did the hike, from sun to rain and then all of a sudden snow at the top. So we did not get to see much:(  The hike took approximately 2 hours to the top and is definitely manageable for more people than the once who had been there so far this year. It's sad that people that have this opportunity at their front door does not take advantage of it. I'm glad I did because it was a lovely afternoon and the evening had just begun by the time I was home=) love it!

At the summit, a bit chilly...

Lovely on the way up, plenty of places to refill the water bottle
Salsnebba to the left

A taste of the view we did not get at the summit

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Børsetkjerringa, just above 1000masl

From Ålvundeie, a small place 15 minutes away by car, there are plenty of hiking opportunities that are not too steep. One of them is Børsetkjerringa with several paths leading to the top. When I did the hike this September I took the steep option on the way up. It starts at Børsetlauvet where it is easy to follow the much used path to the two mailboxes you pass on the way up. So, if you like to get your name in as many books as possible, this is a hike for you=) It's not a very long hike, but as usual you get a nice view in all directions at the top. The view was amazing this time, as the summits had snow on them and the colours of autumn had started to come. To make the hike a bit longer it is possible to make a lap out of it by taking a different way down. This path leads you past two lakes where I have heard that at least one of them is good for fishing. Taking this path you end up in the alpine skiing area, but before you get there you have to cross some mires so wear good hiking boots if you don't want to get wet.

The view towards Oppdøl and Sunndalsfjorden

The most important book is the one at the top:)

A bit slippery on the way down

What a nice place to have a cabin!